Number of Players in different Sports


a football with number of players in sports

This post contains a list of numbers of players in different sports. As, various games played around the world. There are many games played in the world where different players are participated. Here, you may find the no. of all games and their players.

Number of players in different Sports

Sports Number of Players
Baseball 9
Basketball 5
Cricket 11
Football (American) 11
Football (Australian) 18
Handball 7
Hockey (Field) 11
Hockey (Ice ) 6
Kabaddi 7
Kho Kho 9
Lacrosse (Men) 10
Lacrosse (Women) 12
Polo 4
Rugby Union 15
Soccer 11
Softball (Fast Pitch) 9
Softball (Slow Pitch) 10
Volleyball 6
Water Polo 7

Many players are celebrating with number of players in different sports

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