Nick Names and Information of Countries

Here, you will know some interesting facts and Nick Names and Information of Countries. These are mcqs and general knowledge for every test nts, ppsc, sst, pst, css, pma and fia etc

General Knowledge MCQs by CSSMCQS
General Knowledge MCQs by CSSMCQS

Nick Names and Information of Countries

1. Bhutan is called Land of the Thunder Dragon
2. China is called The Red Dragon
3. Indonesia is called The Emerald of the Equator
4. Japan is called Land of the Rising Sun
5. Mongolia is called Land of the Blue Sky
6. North Korea is called The Hermit Kingdom
7. Philippines is called The Pearl of the Orient Seas
8. South Korea is called Land of the Morning Calm
9. Sir Lanka is called India’s Teardrop
10. Thailand is called Land of Smiles
11. Afghanistan is called Graveyard of Empires
12. Israel is called The Holy Land
13. Lebanon is called Switzerland of the Middle East
14. Burkina Faso is called Land of the Upright Men
15. Egypt is called The Gift of the Nile
16. Lesotho is called The Kingdom In The Sky
17. Madagascar is called The Red Island
18. Rwanda is called Land of a Thousand Hills
19. South Africa – Rainbow Nation
20. Brazil is called Pindorama (Land of the Palms)
21. Canada is called The Great White North
22. Chile is called Land of Poets
23. Guyana is called Land of Many Waters
24. Paraguay is called The Island Surrounded by Land
25. Peru is called Land of the Incas
26. USA – Uncle Sam


27. Venezuela is called Land of Grace
28. Australia is called Land Down Under (sometimes
also used for New Zealand)
29. New Zealand is called Land of the Long White Cloud
30. Albania is called Land of the Eagles
31. Belarus is called The White Rus
32. England is called Land of Hope and Glory
33. Finland is called Land of a Thousand Lakes
34. France is called L’hexagone
35. Iceland is called Land of Fire and Ice
36. Ireland is called The Emerald Isle
37. Italy is called The Boot
38. Slovenia is called The Sunny Side of the Alps
39. Switzerland is called Land of Milk and Honey
40. Ukraine is called The Bread Basket of Europe
41. Nigeria _ the giant of Africa
42. Kashmir – the land of heaven


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