Encompassed: included; surrounded
Encroach: trespass; violate
Endorsed: supported
Entourage: group of followers; retinue; cortege
Envisioning: imagining; predicting
Epitome: essence; typical example or symbol of
Equanimity: peace of mind; balance; calm
Equitable: fair and equal
Eradicate: wipe out; remove
Erudition: learning; scholarly knowledge
Esoteric: obscure; arcane; known to few
Estrangement: separation
Eulogy: praise
Exacerbate: make worse
Exasperation: frustration and annoyance
Excise: cut out
Exemplar: excellent example of
Exonerated: proved not guilty; acquit
Exorbitant: excessive
Exotic: strange; foreign
Expeditious: speedy; hasten
Extant: still in existence; opposite of extinct
Extirpation: destruction
Extol: praise; glorify
Extrapolate: predict on the basis of existing data; extended
Facile: over simplified
Faction: section; group with common interests
Fastidious: very fussy; excessively concerned (esp. about cleanliness)
Fawning: groveling; slavish; obsequious
Fidelity: faithfulness; loyalty
Finagle: wheedle; wangle; trick
Finesse: skill
Fitful: intermittent; on and off; not continous
Flabbergast: shock; make speechless
Flag: to lose energy; to signal
Rambunctious: boisterous; highly exuberant; unruly
Rancor: bitterness and bad feeling
Ratify: give approval to (official)
Raze: known down, destroy
Reclusive: Avoid other people; solitary
Recrimination: blame
Rectitude: uprightness
Redolent: smelling of (literal or metaphoric)
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Regressive: moving backwards (literal or metaphoric)
Rehash: revamp hurriedly/carelessly; to arrange in new form without improvement
Remiss: neglectful
Repertoire: range; set of skills
Reprehensible: very bad; culpable; blame worthy
Reprieve: let off (atleast temporarily); delay; cancel
Reprimanded: scolded
Resilience: strength; ability to withstand
Resolute: firm of purpose
Retraction: removal; taking back
Rhetoric: persuasive language
Robust: strong and sturdy
Rousing: stirring; full of enthusiasm
Rudimentary: elementary; basic; not developed
Salvageable: can be saved
Sanctity: holiness
Sarcasm: sneering; bitter remarks; ironic or taunting
Scouring: cleaning thoroughly; thorough searching; comb
Scrutinize: examine carefully
Scuttled: sunk; foil
Secluded: lonely; isolated
Sedate: calm; placid
Shroud: a cover for dead body; to cover
Sedulous: thorough; eager
Serene: peaceful
Sermonize: give moral lecture
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