Jeopardize: put at risk; endanger
Judicious: fair; wise
Juxtaposition: placing two things next to each other
Knack: trick; skill
Lackadaisical: lazy; careless; lax
Lamentable: regrettable
Languid: Lacking energy; weak
Lavish: to spend freely(v); costing alot; opulent(adj)
Legitimate: to make legal; give approval to
Libelous: open to prosecution forr libel (libel = written slander)
Lithe: flexible; supple
Litigious: seeking legal remedies
Lobby: to try to persuade; entrance hall
Lucid: clear; explained
Magnanimous: generous minded; big- hearted
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Mandate: permission
Mandatory: compulsory
Manifesto: statement of values
Manipulative: deceptive; skill-ful at
handling people
Marred: spoiled; ruined
Meager: small; scanty; unimportant
Mercenary: seeking money above all else; interested in money and gain
Meticulous: thorough; taking care of details
Miffed: annoyed; vex
Mitigate: moderate; reduce intensity
Modicum: tiny amount
Momentous: of great importance
Monotonous: dull; repetitive
Morbidity: concern with death and disease
Motley: varied; miscellaneous
Circumvent: avoid; outwit; baffle
Coalition: a union of two parts
Ceorce: compel; force
Cognitions: mental knowledge Compendious: containing a lot in a small
space/few words
Conciliatory: bringing together; ending a dispute; soothing
Concord: agreement
Condone: tolerate
Conflagration: great fire
Congenial: friendly; sociable; suitable
Connoisseur: expert with good taste/ judgement
Consecrate: dedicate; make holy
Consummate: supremely good
Contagious: passed on through touch; infectious
Convergence: coming together
Convivial: sociable
Copious: in large amount
Corollary: consequence; inference
Corpulence: very fat-ness
Corroborated: supported; given supporting evidence
Credulity: belief on slight evidence
Cumulative: building up
Cursory: superficial
Curtail: cut short
Dalliance: non-serious involvement; toying or playing
Dearth: shortage; lacking
Debacle: disaster
Debilitate: weaken
Debunk: throw out old indeas
Deferment: putting off
Deleterious: harmful
Deliberation: careful thought
Delineate: outline
Demagogue: mob leader; agitator
Demonstrative: expressing emotions freely
Denuded: stripped
Depreciatory: devaluing; criticizing
Derelict: rundown; abandoned
Derided: mocked
Despoiled: plunder; rob; deprive
Devious: cunning
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