Old and New Names of Countries and Cities | General Knowledge

Here, you will have Old and New Names of Countries and Cities General Knowledge MCQs. These Old and New Names of Countries and Cities in the world lists are given with a pdf download at the end. These General Knowledge MCQ are equally important for FPSC, PPSC, SPSC, SPSC, KPPSC, BPSC, NTS and all other competitive exams of Pakistan. Thus, These are helpful For Nts Test, Ppsc Test, Fpsc Test, Bpsc Test, Spsc Test, Kpkpsc Test and Ajkpsc Test preparation.

General Knowledge MCQs by CSSMCQS
General Knowledge MCQs by CSSMCQS

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List of Old and New Names of Cities and Countries

  1. Lyallpur is the old name of Faisalabad.
  2. Abyssinia is the old name of Ethiopia.
  3. Burma is the old name of Myanmar.
  4. Ceylon is the old name of Srilanka.
  5. Duch-East-Indies is the old name of Indonesia.
  6. French is the old name of Sudan Mali.
  7. Helvetia is the old name of Switzerland.
  8. Mogyarzaq is the old name of Hungry.
  9. Mesopotamia id the old name of Iraq.
  10. Najd and Hejaz is the old name of Saudi Arabia.
  11. New Granda is the old name of Colombia.
  12. Nippon is the old name of Japan.
  13. Persia is the old name of Iran.
  14. Siam is the old name of Thailand.
  15. South Rhodesia is the old name of Zimbabwe.
  16. South West Africa is the old name of Namibia.
  17. Soviet Union is the old name of Russian Federation.
  18. Turkmenia is the old name of Turkmenistan.
  19. Urumdi is the old name of Brumdi.
  20. Constantinople is the old name of Istanbul.
  21. Christiana is the old name of Oslo.
  22. Formosa is the old name of Taiwan.
  23. Greenland is new name of Kalaallet Nunaat.
  24. Holland is the old name of Netherlands.
  25. Combodia is the old name of Kampuchea.
  26. Krugn Thep is the old name of Bangkok.
  27. Leningard is the old name of St. Petersburg.
  28. Montgomery is the old name of Sahiwal.
  29. Peiking is the old name of Beijing.
  30. Rhodesia is the old name of Zimbabwe.
  31. Salisbury is the old name of Harare.
  32. Tripoli is the old name of Libya.
  33. Madras is the old name of Chennai.
  34. Edo is the old name of Tokyo.
  35. Temasek is the old name of Singapore.
  36. Stalinabad is the old name of Dushanbe.
  37. United Arab Republic is the old name of Egypt.
  38. Jabal-i-Tariq is the old name of Gibraltar
  39. Sankiang is the old name of Xinjiang
  40. the old name of Tamil Nadu is Madras State.
  41. The earlier name of New York city was New Amsterdam
  42. Prior to independence, Ghana was called β€˜Gold Coast’.
  43. Afghanistan was known as Ariana.
  44. The new name of Yalamlam is As-Sadiya.
  45. The name of Mesopotamia was changes to Iraq in the year 1935.
  46. The earlier name of New York city was New Amsterdam


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Old and New Names of Cities and Countries