Global Dynamics have changed after COVID-19
In this article, you may know that How Global Dynamics have changed after the crisis of COVID-19
Dynamics have changed into the following paradigm
China won the 3rd world war without firing a missile and no one could handle it.
- The United States is no longer the world’s leading country.
- VladĂmir Putin is a visionary.
- Prevention saves more lives than acting at the last moment.
- Health professionals are worth more than a footballer.
- Europeans are not as educated and educated as they appear .
- We are not mistaken when we ask for more hospitals “and less war”.
- Children occupy a privileged place in nature.
- Oil is worthless in a society without consumption.
- Death does not distinguish race, color, or social strata.
- Now we know what are problems of locked down countries like Syria & Kashmir
- Now we know how animals feel in zoos.
- Now we realise today’s children no longer know how to play without internet or TV.
- Health care workers are alone, abandoned and forgotten. Even so, they never give up.
- No pastor, pandit or molana saved coronavirus patients.
- We started to appreciate the great gesture of trust that means shaking hands.
- The planet regenerates quickly without humans.
- We are not prepared for a pandemic
- More should be invested in health rather than festivals.