SAARC (South Asian Association Regional Co-operation)


SAARC stands for South Asian Association for Regional Co-operation. SAARC was established on 8th December 1985. The headquarters of SAARC is located in Kathmandu Nepal. Ziaur Rahman (Bangladesh President) was the first person who presented the concept for the foundation of SAARC.

Members of SAARC (South Asian Association Regional Cooperation)

Currently, there are 8(eight) members of SAARC (South Asian Association Regional Cooperation)

SAARC countries list 2020

1.       Pakistan

2.       India

3.       Bangaldesh

4.       Srilanka

5.       Nepal

6.       Bhutan

7.       Maldives

8.       Afghanistan


Objectives of SAARC

Saarc has also some objective for the region of South Asia. These objectives are as follow

o   To improve the quality of life of the peoples of South Asia 

o   To accelerate economic growth and social progress the South Asian region

o   To provide all individuals with the opportunity to live in dignity 

o   To strengthen collective self-reliance among the countries of South Asia

o   To promote active collaboration and mutual assistance in the economic, social, cultural, technical and scientific fields

o   To strengthen cooperation with other developing countries

o   To cooperate with similar organizations with similar goals


Some Important Points about SAARC

o   Afghanistan become the 8th member of  SAARC in which summit  14 SAARC summit
o   How many countries are the member of  SAARC  8
o   Total area of the World covered by SAARC countries 3%
o   Total world’s population occupied by 8 SAARC countries 21%
o   Biggest SAARC country  India (Both by area & populations)
o   Smallest SAARC country  Maldives
o   How many countries are landlocked in SAARC   3( Nepal, Bhutan & Afghanistan)
o   Highest Literacy rate among SAARC  Maldives
o   Highest per capita income among SAARC  Maldives
o   Recently which two states got observer status in SAARC  China & Japan
o   Which trade agreement related to SAARC  SAPTA
o   How many Muslim countries in SAARC  4 Muslim countries
o   2010 T0 2020 is the SAARC decade of  Intra Regional connectivity
o   Who was first Secretary General of SAARC   Abu Al Ahsan
o   Which two summits of SAARC successfuly held in Pakistan   (4rth 1988 & 12th 2004)
o   19th SAARC summit postponed due to URRI Attacks, which was supposed to held in Pakistan on  15-16 Nov 2016


Regional Centers of SAARC

▪ SAARC Agricultural Centre (SAC) located in  Bangladesh
▪ SAARC Meteorological Research Centre (SMRC) located in  Bangladesh
▪ SAARC Forestry Centre (SFC) located in  Bhutan
▪ SAARC Development Fund (SDF) located in  Bhutan
▪ SAARC Documentation Centre (SDC) located in  India
▪ SAARC Disaster Management Centre (SDMC) located in  India

Source – Official SAARC website


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